
Учасниця марафону присвячує свій забіг українським військовополоненим та ГО Вояцький Визвіл .

Вже сьогодні, 07.05.2023 Anna K у Канаді буде бігти повний марафон 42 км, і цю свою дистанцію присвячує українським військовополоненим та ГО Вояцький Визвіл .

Дякуємо Анні за її підтримку, бажаємо їй здоров'я сили та натхнення легко пробігти весь шлях.

Anna K

Dear Friends, I will be running a full marathon on May 7th and would like to dedicate it to Ukraine. I am raising funds for women and their families whose husbands, brothers, and children have gone missing or died since the beginning of Russia's war. All funds will be transferred to a non-governmental organization called "Warrior's Liberation"/"Вояцький Визвіл". It was created in 2022 by the family members of killed, missing and captured Ukrainian soldiers. The organization is conducting psychological, legal and organization support to families whose members have gone through tortures and were able to return home. It is also developing rehabilitative programs for soldiers freed from captivity. Any amount would be of enormous help. If you feel like contributing, please make a transfer to (e-transfer). Please indicate "Donation for Ukraine/Warrior's Liberation Foundation" in the subject line of the transfer. Thank you for your support! Feel free to share this post to spread the word!