
Help Us

Considering our goals and objectives, we have created this "Help" page to allow people to support our organization and our projects.

If you would like to support our work, please consider making a donation to our organization. Your donations will help us provide our services and assist the families of military personnel who have been affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

To make a donation, please use our online donation form. You can contribute any amount that is convenient for you, and we guarantee that your money will be used to support our projects and help military families.

Thank you for your support and contribution to our work. With your help, we will be able to continue to provide support to those who need it. If you have any questions or wishes, please contact us through our contact page.

How we spend money

  • Rehabilitation assistance for released prisoners of war
  • Psychological support for relatives of prisoners of war, missing in action, and deceased military personnel
  • advocacy campaigns


ГО "Вояцький визвіл"
Банк: Пумб
код ЄДРПО 44829243
UA973348510000000026002190859 грн
UA973348510000000026002190860 грн
UA973348510000000026002190859 Доллар США
UA973348510000000026002190859 Євро
UA973348510000000026002190859 Фунт стерлінг

